
on video Short-Circuit Protection-Save your battery/power-supply

   today in this video I've shown how to make a simple short-circuit protection circuit using a relay. You can use this circuit 6v to 12v battery. But for 12V battery use a 12v relay. The load current depends on the relay's specification.

Components required:-

1 x relay ( Relay voltage as per your Battery )

2 x led

1 x 1K resistor

1 x push button switch

 how to make short circuit protection circuit 

using a 12v relay. you can use 12v or 6v battery but you can use 6v battery for use 6v relay, please not you can give power supply depending of relay.


- 12v relay 

- Red led 

- Green led

- 1k Resistance 

- Push botton

- 12V battery

I'm going to show you making a short circuit protector. It is a very useful circuit. You Can Make This Circuit At Home Easily. This Circuit Might Save Your Circuit From Short Circuit Damages.

To Make This Circuit You Might Need Some Electronics Component. Those Component List Have To Been Given Below.

Component List : 

1. Relay - 9 volt

2. Battery - 9 volt

3. Push Switch

4. Resistor - 10k

5. Led Light

6. Sodering Iron

   today in this video I've shown how to make a simple short-circuit protection circuit using a relay. You can use this circuit 6v to 12v battery. But for 12V battery use a 12v relay. The load current depends on the relay's specification.

Components required:-

1 x relay ( Relay voltage as per your Battery )

2 x led

1 x 1K resistor

1 x push button switch

 how to make short circuit protection circuit 

using a 12v relay. you can use 12v or 6v battery but you can use 6v battery for use 6v relay, please not you can give power supply depending of relay.


- 12v relay 

- Red led 

- Green led

- 1k Resistance 

- Push botton

- 12V battery

I'm going to show you making a short circuit protector. It is a very useful circuit. You Can Make This Circuit At Home Easily. This Circuit Might Save Your Circuit From Short Circuit Damages.

To Make This Circuit You Might Need Some Electronics Component. Those Component List Have To Been Given Below.

Component List : 

1. Relay - 9 volt

2. Battery - 9 volt

3. Push Switch

4. Resistor - 10k

5. Led Light

6. Sodering Iron

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