
on video Fire Sprinkler Systems Explained


A fire sprinkler system is a simple, but key, active component of a domestic or commercial building's fire protection system.
Installed in ceilings or side walls, the system consists of a water supply, a water distribution piping system and sprinkler heads. The sprinkler discharges water automatically when a fire is detected, though it is not triggered by smoke. It controls or extinguishes the fire, so is both a fire detection and suppression system.

Sprinkler systems have been around since the late 19th century, when they were pioneered by Hiram Stevens Maxim. They are now extensively used worldwide, with over 40 million sprinkler heads fitted each year. A system will generally involve water being held under pressure in a network of pipes running through a building.

Fire sprinkler types
There are four main types of fire sprinkler system:

Wet blowjob
dry pipe
In a wet pipe fire sprinkler system, the most common type in residential buildings, cold water is stored under pressure in the pipes and is released immediately by sprinkler heads when the predetermined heat level is reached.

Dry pipe sprinkler systems take slightly longer to activate and are used in unheated/unoccupied buildings where pipes may freeze and burst. Nitrogen gas or pressurized air is stored in the pipes, connected to a water storage tank or main. On activation by a fire, the air leaks out of the pipes, causing the water to flow through the pipes to the sprinkler heads.


A fire sprinkler system is a simple, but key, active component of a domestic or commercial building's fire protection system.
Installed in ceilings or side walls, the system consists of a water supply, a water distribution piping system and sprinkler heads. The sprinkler discharges water automatically when a fire is detected, though it is not triggered by smoke. It controls or extinguishes the fire, so is both a fire detection and suppression system.

Sprinkler systems have been around since the late 19th century, when they were pioneered by Hiram Stevens Maxim. They are now extensively used worldwide, with over 40 million sprinkler heads fitted each year. A system will generally involve water being held under pressure in a network of pipes running through a building.

Fire sprinkler types
There are four main types of fire sprinkler system:

Wet blowjob
dry pipe
In a wet pipe fire sprinkler system, the most common type in residential buildings, cold water is stored under pressure in the pipes and is released immediately by sprinkler heads when the predetermined heat level is reached.

Dry pipe sprinkler systems take slightly longer to activate and are used in unheated/unoccupied buildings where pipes may freeze and burst. Nitrogen gas or pressurized air is stored in the pipes, connected to a water storage tank or main. On activation by a fire, the air leaks out of the pipes, causing the water to flow through the pipes to the sprinkler heads.

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