
on video Battery Status Level Indicator Circuit Diagram


Battery level indicator will let you know the status of battery of a device just by glowing the number of LED's. For example four LED's are glowing means battery capacity is 40 percent.

You can use this battery level indicator circuit with your inverter or with your car battery; it will give you indication about your battery status. So before your battery dies you can recharge it. Advantage of this circuit is it does not require power supply; it will take power supply from the battery of the device itself.


Battery level indicator will let you know the status of battery of a device just by glowing the number of LED's. For example four LED's are glowing means battery capacity is 40 percent.

You can use this battery level indicator circuit with your inverter or with your car battery; it will give you indication about your battery status. So before your battery dies you can recharge it. Advantage of this circuit is it does not require power supply; it will take power supply from the battery of the device itself.


Battery level indicator will let you know the status of battery of a device just by glowing the number of LED's. For example four LED's are glowing means battery capacity is 40 percent.

You can use this battery level indicator circuit with your inverter or with your car battery; it will give you indication about your battery status. So before your battery dies you can recharge it. Advantage of this circuit is it does not require power supply; it will take power supply from the battery of the device itself.


Battery level indicator will let you know the status of battery of a device just by glowing the number of LED's. For example four LED's are glowing means battery capacity is 40 percent.

You can use this battery level indicator circuit with your inverter or with your car battery; it will give you indication about your battery status. So before your battery dies you can recharge it. Advantage of this circuit is it does not require power supply; it will take power supply from the battery of the device itself.

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