
on video Simple 12 volt battery full charge indicator circuit

 how to make 12v battery full charge indicator circuit

how to make 12 volt battery full charge indicator circuit

how to make 12 volt battery level indicator circuit

12v battery level indicator circuit Diagram

i'm showing how you can make simple 12v battery full charge indicator circuit at home, This circuit will indicate you when your 12 volt battery will get fully charged the led will Start Glowing.

Circuit is very simple 12v zener Diode is used with reverse polarity and will not allow to pass any voltage when voltage is under 12v and when voltage crosses the 12v and reaches to 13v Zener Diode will pass little voltage that goes to base of bc547 and transistor turns on and negative voltage will get connected to led so led will Start glowing from 13-13.5v and will indicate battery is fully charged.

 how to make 12v battery full charge indicator circuit

how to make 12 volt battery full charge indicator circuit

how to make 12 volt battery level indicator circuit

12v battery level indicator circuit Diagram

i'm showing how you can make simple 12v battery full charge indicator circuit at home, This circuit will indicate you when your 12 volt battery will get fully charged the led will Start Glowing.

Circuit is very simple 12v zener Diode is used with reverse polarity and will not allow to pass any voltage when voltage is under 12v and when voltage crosses the 12v and reaches to 13v Zener Diode will pass little voltage that goes to base of bc547 and transistor turns on and negative voltage will get connected to led so led will Start glowing from 13-13.5v and will indicate battery is fully charged.

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