
on vidio Battery Coil Ignition System | Skill-Lync

 We all know that the air-fuel mixture in SI engines is ignited by means of a spark from the spark plug. But, have you ever thought of the ignition system behind the spark plugs?

 The ignition in automobiles can be broadly classified into four types. They are
Battery Coil Ignition System
Magneto Ignition System
Transistorised Ignition System
Capacitive Discharge Ignition System

In this video, we have explained the construction, working, advantages and disadvantages of the battery coil ignition system.

Battery coil ignition system consists of primary and secondary circuits. Here, the battery acts as the energy source of ignition, an ignition coil is used for stepping up the voltage and contact breaker, a mechanical component plays a vital role in the development of high voltage necessary for the formation of spark.

When the ignition switch is on and the contact breaker points are closed, the current flows in the primary circuit and the flow of current induces a magnetic field in the primary coil of the ignition coil. As soon as the breaker points open, the primary circuit breaks which result in a change in the magnetic field. This change induces a very high voltage in the secondary coil of the ignition coil due to the law of mutual induction and the high current that flows because of this induced voltage is used to create sparks.

This system is of less cost and it can produce sparks of high intensity at low speeds.

But, prolonged operations result in the wear of contact breaker points and the intensity of spark decreases with increase in speed.

 We all know that the air-fuel mixture in SI engines is ignited by means of a spark from the spark plug. But, have you ever thought of the ignition system behind the spark plugs?

 The ignition in automobiles can be broadly classified into four types. They are
Battery Coil Ignition System
Magneto Ignition System
Transistorised Ignition System
Capacitive Discharge Ignition System

In this video, we have explained the construction, working, advantages and disadvantages of the battery coil ignition system.

Battery coil ignition system consists of primary and secondary circuits. Here, the battery acts as the energy source of ignition, an ignition coil is used for stepping up the voltage and contact breaker, a mechanical component plays a vital role in the development of high voltage necessary for the formation of spark.

When the ignition switch is on and the contact breaker points are closed, the current flows in the primary circuit and the flow of current induces a magnetic field in the primary coil of the ignition coil. As soon as the breaker points open, the primary circuit breaks which result in a change in the magnetic field. This change induces a very high voltage in the secondary coil of the ignition coil due to the law of mutual induction and the high current that flows because of this induced voltage is used to create sparks.

This system is of less cost and it can produce sparks of high intensity at low speeds.

But, prolonged operations result in the wear of contact breaker points and the intensity of spark decreases with increase in speed.

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